Video: Prime Burger

Check out this wonderful and well-made mini film on Prime Burger, a diner in New York City that is over 70 years old. Some of the people working there are as old as the establishment and have been working for 50 plus years. What’s so sad is that the building which the restaurant is located in was sold back in May and now they are forced to close and relocate.

PRIME from thismustbetheplace on Vimeo.

Video: EAT

I’m sorry for just posting films these days but there are so many beautifully made food-related mini films that I can’t not share them with you!

This film combines my two favorite activities: eating and traveling. Three guys travelled to 11 countries in 44 days and documented their trip through the food they had. Two other films were also produced: Move and Learn.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

Video: Gecko Emmentaler

The geckos are placed on the cows and once they are there, they can eat all the annoying blowflies. This means that the cows are more stress-free and produce more relaxed milk, which goes to producing better cheese. (link)

Please watch this video produced by Emmentaler Switzerland. I first received a link of this  video on April 1st. After viewing the video, I was convinced it was a joke but then I went on their website and they seemed convincing. I was confused. Could this be real? But this is ridiculous and hilarious! Anyway, I’ve been meaning to post it on the blog then but never did. I finally came around to posting it and when I checked the website again to link it here, I found it was an April fool’s joke! Well now that makes a lot of sense!

They even created an event on April 1st for the unveiling. Check out the pictures here.