Foodie Series: Faisal AlNashmi @Zubaneen

My friend and fellow foodie Fatmah from F. Scribbles and I decided to start a Foodie Series on both of our blogs. We will both feature the same people but will post at different times.

Our first feature is Faisal AlNashmi, commonly known as Zubaneen, an aspiring chef and a fresh graduate. I have been following him on Instagram for a while now and what caught my attention is how he recreates traditional dishes in a new and refreshing way, as well his incredible food photography!

We asked him 8 foodie questions and below you’ll find his enthusiastic responses.

1. What do you do on a day to day basis?
I’m currently a freelance cook. My day usually starts at 9 am at the Sultan Center, buying ingredients for the dish I will be testing in the kitchen that day. When I get home and into the main kitchen, this is where the fun begins; sprinkles of flour and smudges of oil all over the countertop. Our cook prays to God that some day I leave this child play. My main goal is to plate the dish when lunch is first served upon my Dad’s arrival. I take it to our garden and start shooting to upload on Instagram (my best friend), then get comments while my family each get a bite. The rest of the day? Well, going through piles of pictures and editing for next day’s upload. Continue reading