Summer treats: lavender lemonade

I have to share this with you. Last night, I checked out A Cup of Jo, one of my daily blog reads and she posted about the best lemonade! The recipe was shared by Ashley of Not Without Salt 

It being summer and Ramadan, I knew this would be the best thirst quencher for after futour. 


I followed the recipe exactly but added 1 tablespoon of culinary lavender to the sugar syrup in the pan. Look how pink it is! And it smells wonderfully too.

You should definitely try it! like now!

We think it’s lime pickling time!

I posted this lime pickle several times on my Instagram and many asked me for a recipe. I am so sorry I took this long.
You can get it from here. However, there are few omissions. I don’t add chili because my sister can’t stand the heat and hing (asafetida) because I just don’t know where to find it. Probably at the local herbs and spice store (hawajj)? I never bothered to check and these stores usually intimidate me.