Video: Prime Burger

Check out this wonderful and well-made mini film on Prime Burger, a diner in New York City that is over 70 years old. Some of the people working there are as old as the establishment and have been working for 50 plus years. What’s so sad is that the building which the restaurant is located in was sold back in May and now they are forced to close and relocate.

PRIME from thismustbetheplace on Vimeo.

burgers burgers burgers

flipping burgers 2

Everyone’s obsessed about burgers these days, including yours truly. The chalet’s weather last week was a perfect excuse to BBQ and burgers are the easiest to prepare for. We used to be quite content with Khazan or Americana frozen burgers but then once I discovered the flavor and juiciness of a good homemade burger, I never went back. Continue reading